Community Involvement

Best of Florence 2020
Florence Dental Clinic was voted Best of Florence in the Dental Clinic category, presented by the Siuslaw News Readers Choice Awards. Dr. Brian Holmes received the Best Of award in the Dentist category.
Annual "Pounding" Event
In November we were honored to participate in the annual "Pounding" event at Grocery Outlet by donating food to Florence Food Share, which provides food free of charge to those in need.

Best of Florence 2019
In February, Florence Dental Clinic was voted Best of Florence in the Dentist category, presented by the Siuslaw News Readers Choice Awards.
2019 Florence First Citizen Award: Dr. Brian Holmes
"For over 20 years, Brian has been a leader, collaborator, & supporter of Florence and surrounding community. He has donated thousands of hours and financial support to helping the youth and disadvantaged populations on the Oregon Coast and communities worldwide through his dental practice."
The 2019 Florence First Citizen Award was presented to Dr. Brian Holmes on February 15, 2020. The award was presented by Dee Osborne, the previous year's winner. Of the nominees she said, "This year’s nominees count for thousands of hours of community service and giving. Their stories are all inspirational. From their dedication to youth in our area to volunteering their time to fight fires and to provide medical care to the most vulnerable, the positive impact that they have made in Florence and beyond is a blessing and true showcase of their character and huge hearts. We honor each of them tonight with our thanks.”
At the time of the event, Dr. Holmes was on a service mission to provide dental care to communities in the island nation of Grenada. Dr. Linton accepted the award on his behalf.

Dr. Linton accepts the Florence First Citizen Award on behalf of Dr. Holmes.
Photo Credit: The Siuslaw News
Community Applause Award
On December 8th, 2014 the Florence Dental Clinic was honored by the Oregon Bankers Association. Dee Osborne, From Siuslaw Bank, nominated our business for the Community Applause Award and we were chosen for the small business award. It is a great honor to have won for our efforts to better the community that we live in. The Florence Dental Clinic will continue to do what we can day by day to help our community and our children.
Elementary Dental Van
One way we give back to our community is by screening all elementary school age kids at the Siuslaw Elementary School, and Mapleton Elementary School at no cost. In 2001 Dr. Holmes started to bring a dental van to provide treatment for children who don’t have access to dental care. Since the program has started, most of our staff at the Florence Dental Clinic has volunteered time to increase the oral health in our children. When we started in 2001, 87% of grade school age kids in Mapleton exhibited urgent dental needs. In 2009, urgent needs decreased to an astonishing 7%, demonstrating this volunteer program has been successful. To date, over 750 kids have received donated dental care in our community.
We care about kids, and have included a kid’s area in our waiting room. Florence Dental Clinic is located close to the schools for easy access during school hours.
Military Museum
The Florence Dental Clinic has joined forces with the military museum and has donated the funds necessary to sponsor the American Flag. We are excited to see this community dream come to be and preserve our history. Thank you to all the service men and women for their service and part in making this country a free nation.
We sponsor these major programs:
Kiwainas, Rotary, National American Miss pageant, Rhododendron Pageant, Boy and Girls Club, Military Museum, Outreach services, Siuslaw School District, Food Share of Florence, Florence Humane Society, and others.